
Watch Out for Falling Stars

Saturday night was Erin's birthday, or as she would say: "birfffendooogen!" (Or something along those lines.) I spent the day walking around Harvard Square, buying her a bunch of random stuff & cute stuff, like "Party Girl" Mad Libs, chopsticks with cartoons on them, jelly bellies, ummmm oh! And my favorite lip gloss.

Before the party, I hung at Minh's place and Hil came over! We were going to go out somewhere and be fabulous ladies, but we ended up opening a bottle of wine there. Staying in is the new going out!

I had just bought a new outfit, so I got dressed there and it was fun getting ready with another girl. Girl time!

Hilary showed me she got seven years bad luck because she broke the mirror in her purse! Oh no!

We all went to Erin's party, where I saw the Birthday Lady and Pixie! Yay! Haven't seen them since our last foray into Forever 21 cheap thrills.

Basically this is the same picture but I like them both and it's MY BLOG. Mwah ah ah ah, drunk with power.

Soon it was time to light the cake...

and sing happppy birthday!

But wait! Turn out the lights first. Action shot!

Happy Birthday Mama! Jen made the cake. It started to get melty, so the monkeys looked psychedelic. Hey, what's that monkey on the left doing with its banana?

Monkey head.

Erin got the monkey head piece! Well, it was her birthday.

Then it was present time! My bag of cute and/or random stuff! My camera was dying so I didn't get too many pictures of present opening fun times.

Lip gloss! Do yourself a favor and go get some rose's RIGHT NOW!!

This one's my favorite. Presents presents everywhere! Jen drew pictures of some of Erin's gifts 'cause they hadn't come yet in the mail. Coming soon! Love it.

Just hangin' by the water cooler talking about last night's episode of Lost. Har har.

Someone looks a little sleepy and shiny here (hint: it's not Erin!), but it's cute anyway. Happy birthenday Mama.

I don't have too many other pictures. Here's a few from my apartment:

We had a party and this kitten picture showed up mysteriously afterward. What is the meaning of it? Just a bunch of cute kittens? Kitten adoption? Kitty Brady Bunch? It's on our fridge now, an unsolved kitty mystery.

Keeping on the subject of my fridge, Luke's Mammy made us some cute magnets. She's crafty! I love the heart flower, although sometimes I'm not sure if we assembled it correctly. It looks right, right?

Just some of my favorite pictures. I miss real photos.

I keep some framed pictures on my heater cover thingy. But it's too windy with the windows open, so they've been lying down most of the summer. I always think it looks like I got mad at everyone in the pictures, so I slammed them down or something.

And here are some pictures from the square (you know, that square I always go to):

A mural that I love.

Intimidating art gallery space that has like two paintings in it. (In the reflection you can kind of see I'm wearing my Moz t-shirt! Nerrrrrd.)

I like to look at the staff picks at Harvard Book Store. I want to read Wicked Lovely now, because it's about fairies! update: faeries!

Aside from that, I've been cooking healthy meals for Luke and myself,

Hanging with Gigi,

and drinking wine with my Mom. Ah, the good life.


About Minnie said...

I love those magnets! They're so attractive.

Mimi said...

you're so cute you're giving me cavities!
xoxo mel

If These Threads Could Talk said...

i wish kitty brady bunch would show up on my fridge. i would even take puppy brady bunch...