
Someday I Want to Sit in a Tree

One night, I had the ladies over for a potluckin' good time.

We all ate strawberries and chocolate, thanks to Lauren.Straw.



Sue brought the fancy like these seashell shaped chocolates.

I Homer Simpsonized the sweets like there was no tomorrow. Aaaaaaarghghghghdroolllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Hil brought the wine that didn't have the defective cork (that was my bottle).

I made pizza, and burned my hand in the oven.

Sweet's bird. Ca-KAW!

Seven years bad luck on the streets of Somerville.

We Heart Walk-Ins, obvs.

Went to a party that had cupcakes and kegs.

And Rosie hiding behind a parasol.

And a hammock in a courtyard.

At this other party there was a hookah. (What is the deal with hookahs?--said in Jerry Seinfeld's voice.)

If you can't beat 'em...well, you know how that ancient proverb from the sea goes.

My hand still hurts.


Mimi said...

you have lots of fun..

About Minnie said...

love how I'm double fisted with the smokes that day---