

It is 6:58 pm as I write this (ok, I don't know how to make the time right on my blog). Why am I awake at such a crazy hour, you ask? Because today I start my new job at an elementary school, I answer. This morning it was easy getting up, I popped right up a 6:45, no zonkiness, no zombie walk, all bright-eyes and bushy what-have-you. But, since I'm not going to be able to scale back my hours from the restaurant, it's going to be a big adjustment of not-sleeping-'til-noon, or as my Umass professor kept putting it Tuesday night, "transformative." Oh well.

In related news, I kind of hate the Charlie card. It's not that I hate it, but I hate how it's taking a dog's year for the switch to happen, resulting in some stations being Charlied up, and other being Charlie-less. On my way to UMB the other day, I bought two tokens one to get there, and one to get back at the Harvard Square station. Only to find upon my return that my grubby little token wasn't going to help me at JFK/Umass at all. Long story short, I ended up running smack into the doors of the train in an attempt to not miss it, even though I should have been able to if only I had known beforehand about Charlie. I actually kicked the door shouting "No! Wait!" as if I had a real emergency. At least the building didn't collapse on me though.

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