
It's Just You and Me, World

Mostly tranquil:

See, I told you I had pictures of a bean sprout sprouting.

It was Hilwa's gift from Sarah, so there was a musical note on the other side.

Sue Cat.

Hil Cat.

Mostly adventurous:

Minnie had herself a new york birthday!

We were at a place I like to call, "Mama Fuck You." Sorry, Mom.

There were some real go-getters with us. For more information, go here.

I once knew a car named Go Getter, but I think that is quite the opposite of the point.

Making videos in which we say what we love about Minh. I think I said some very strange things. It was the sake, I swear!

I don't even know. Saying strange things, perhaps?

Birthday messages on paper bags. (We love you more than cheese and jam, we wrote.)

This one speaks for itself, I think.

Minnie's little sis even came out for the occasion.

There were fancy deserts at a fancy place. I missed peanut m&ms.

Make that wish!

I don't know why, but Rosie prefers her face obscured. I'll allow it.

Don't say with your lips what you can say with your feet.

Alone time.

Contest: if you can figure out where this picture was taken, you win a free limo ride.

Birthday huggin' and dancin'. HBD, my friend of friends!

Mostly Brooklyn:

Jailbird word.

This hydrant was doing this all day. Such a shame, water being more precious than gold and all.


The question is, who's the Thelma and who's the Louise?

Maybe we're both just Tina Marie.

A Halloween scene.

If this picture doesn't make you smile, your heart must be made of stone.

That's right. Stone.


About Minnie said...

For the record that was a "world premiere" foie gras chocolate cake I was making a wish on. Much Love, Minnie

seoulgrrl said...

3 things...

1.those beaUtiful sammies have the stickerSlashStampOfApproval of Boar's Head.... muy muy bueno, muy muy muuah ah ah ah. oh, it's so good.

2.i want ur tshirt. yeeesss. that tshirt. eGgcellent.

3.i hopes u had the bestest time evah in nyc. so good. so very good.

If These Threads Could Talk said...

so it turns out that susan sarandon is louise and geena davis is thelma. the real question now is, which one is the biggest buttinski?

If These Threads Could Talk said...

one more thing...i love that there is a little mini ghost that appears to be sitting on my head in the last picture, which i never noticed until now and it makes me smile even more.

cash's mom said...

don't talk about the go getter likes she's dead!!