
The Lost Boys are for Girls

Keifer Sutherland has spiked bleach blond hair in The Lost Boys. Both of the Coreys are in it. The vampires look like a young hair band and ride motorcycles. There is one main female character, and she is mixed up in a bloodsucker/human love triangle. Hottt.

This movie came out when I was 8 years old, and I begged my parents to let me see it. They wouldn't allow it! My older brother and sister got to go see it, and when it came out on video, I remember being exiled from the family room so they could watch it a hundred times during the three-day rental period. I sat at the kitchen table, from where I could hear the movie:

Michael: "I can't beat your bike." David: "You don't have to beat me Michael, you just have to try and keep up." Cue 80's music.

I kept peeking into the room, and my older sister kept telling on me. Humph. Soon after, my brother hung a Lost Boys poster in his bedroom. I used to sneak in there, just to look at the picture (growing up without the internet was hard!). It was one of those posters where all of the people are staring directly into the camera lens so if I looked at it and moved across the room, it seemed like they were all following me with their dreamy vampire gazes.

I used to hang upside down from the monkey bars on the swingset in my backyard, wrapped in a sparkly shawl my Grandmother had given me for dress up, pretending to be Star.

1 comment:

sarabella said...

You are a Star. Twinkle, Twinkle.