
Quickie Mart

Soooooo oh oh

haven't been posting because I'm very busy (said in diva fashion). But this week I've been on vacation, and haven't been up to much. So maybe I'm just very lazy (said less diva-like)

Apparently during my hiatus, I've become quite popular with the spam crowd. Thanks, spammers! Without all of your weird sex video ads and penis enlargement promises, I don't think I could find the strength to keep going.

Last weekend I went to this theme dinner party in Brooklyn. It was fun, but doesn't it always seem like New York people can't just have a dinner party, they have to have a THEME dinner party? The theme was "Teeth Optional," and to my surprise people took it seriously (I shouldn't have been surprised, that is so New York of them to not half-ass it). There was twice baked cheesy butternut squash, peasant stew, and creamy polenta. I made watermelon martinis, and they were totally teeth optional.

I was thinking about the dinner party yesterday and I realized that if I was a true "blogger" then I would have taken a bunch of pictures to post. Duh. I had my camera and everything, but I was just too lazy (or maybe too drunk). I guess I am only a fake blogger then. Actually, I think I'm OK with that.

Blue boy got smashed. That's for another day though.

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