

I am usually waiting for something to happen. Last year I was waiting to get accepted into graduate school, then I was waiting to move to New York, and then after that I was always waiting for it to be the weekend so that I could bus my sadsack-self back to Boston. Since I've moved home (because I now realize that my home is undoubtedly here), I have been waiting to move into a new place with Luke. And since April, I have been waiting to move into the place that we secured (months in advance). Now it's only a few days away, and I can barely sleep with excitement.

Luke said last night, "You are Christmassy." And it's true. I have contstructed a mental chain with a big gold loop on the end for quite some time now, counting the days tediously.

I know after this day comes and passes, I am going to have to find a new thing to wait for. I think people just feel best when they have something to look forward to. Like how people start talking about Friday at the office on Wednesdays. I need to remember to just enjoy things in the moment, the soft buzz in the theater before the movie starts.

But then there's always the fun post-show bathroom fix-up to look forward to!

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